ReRide Consignment's Weekly LIVE FACEBOOK SALES are shopping on a whole 'nother level! Enjoy amazing deals on everything horse while sitting in your pajamas, sipping on your wine (or coffee or sweet tea or soda or water, etc., etc., etc.) in the comfort of your own home EVERY WEEK!

TACK TUESDAYS - Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm CST

On Tack Tuesdays, we cater to the Western horses and riders. Whether you're chasing cans or trail riding with your friends, we have what you want and need at crazy prices! Hats, boots, saddle pads, bits, bridles...the list goes on and on!

WINE DOWN WEDNESDAYS - Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm CST

On Wine Down Wednesdays, we kick off our LIVE FACEBOOK SALE with English tack, attire, etc. If you ride any discipline of English riding, this segment is for you! Dressage, Hunter, Jumper, Equitation or just trail riding, we promise you will find something you can't live without!

How do you get there??? Glad you asked! Get your jammies and wine and go to our Facebook Page! That's all you do! The rules of the sale are posted on our Facebook page. It just couldn't be any easier!